If you have diabetes, you must be diligent about your eye care. Your diabetes doctor will treat the diabetes, and will also refer you to an eye doctor, to determine what effect the disease has had on your eyes. You will be sent to our office for a, “Diabetic eye exam.” What exactly is that? We will perform a full eye exam including dilating your eyes. You may feel more comfortable if you bring a driver, though most find that unnecessary.
At the dilated eye exam, your eye doctor will take a look at the inside of your eye to see if there are signs of diabetic eye disease. The results will be reviewed with you to determine if you need more testing or treatment. The purpose of the eye exam is to detect the presence of diabetic eye disease, including diabetic retinopathy, one of the most common diabetic eye problems. The annual eye exam is recommended for all people with diabetes. A letter will be sent to your referring doctor to update them on your eye condition. Together, we will provide a team approach to your health care.