

Wear Wrap-Around Sunglasses To Protect Your Eyes From Dust And Allergens

January 18, 2011

Do our eyes also get allergies? Definitely yes, the conjunctiva is more sensitive than our skin. The protective reflex of the eye is blinking, that is to keep moisten the eyes and flushes regularly the dust. The defense mechanism of the conjunctiva is to produce mucous every time the eyes blink. Also the sebaceous glands in the eyelids will produce oil like secretions. This mucous which is produced by the lachrymal gland washes away dirt. With constant use of the eyes and exposure to dust and heat will cause dryness and then the itchy eye problem.

Do you know that our eye needs to blink at least once every 5 seconds? Blinking will also protect the eye from any penetrating foreign object. However, excessive blinking will also lead to dry eyes as a rebound effect. There are several symptoms of eye allergies and usually are accompanied with nasal symptoms which includes redness, swelling, itchiness, watery, sand-like feeling in the yes, runny nose, sneezing and coughing, itchy nose, mouth or throat and headache due to sinus congestion. There are individuals who are very sensitive and are known allergic to dust particles.

Dust is harmless to most people but this will cause irritation, itchiness and over production of tears (watery eyes) to allergic people. These allergies can trigger other problems like conjunctivitis or inflammation of the conjunctiva or combination of rhino conjunctivitis. It is reported that in the US almost 50% of the people have allergies and 75% of these are eye allergies.

After getting that itchy feeling of your eyes because of allergies, your body releases histamine that causes watery eyes. The watery eye happens after you have dry eyes accompanied with itchy eye; this is what we call as body compensatory mechanism.

The wrap around glass is best to at least trap dust and allergens. This will minimize the occurrence of eye allergies especially to sensitive people.

If allergies already sets in, the use of medications like decongestants to stop watery eyes and nose and eye drops with corticosteroids to relieve pain, redness and swelling. Although decongestants treat the symptoms but not the cause it is still very wise to get a protection for prevention like the wrap around glasses. Anti-histamines and Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are available also but don't do self medication. Have yourself check by a doctor. Steroids are also dangerous, constant use will cause increase in intra-ocular pressure or IOP leading to optic nerve damage or glaucoma.

Prevention is still the best action. Protect your eyes from dust and allergens. Wear wrap-around sunglasses outdoors. Boost your immune system. Take vitamins, eat fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water. Care is very important to keep your eyes healthy.

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