The most common causes of eye injuries include flying debris, such as bits of metal or glass. Other causes include injuries from tools, chemicals, and radiation. If you have recently injured one or both of your eyes at work and would like to pursue workers' compensation benefits for your recovery or newfound disability, contact an attorney immediately to begin discussing your individual case.
The following eye protection could be used to prevent injuries in the workplace:
Safety glasses (prescription or non-prescription)
Welding helmets
Face shields
Full-face respirators
By using the above equipment you can limit your chances of an accident. In most cases, your employer should supply these safety devices for your use. Of course, certain devices will be more appropriate for your job than others, so it is important to make sure you wear the right goggles for your occupation.
When accidents do happen and you are hurt on the job, you still have protection under the law to be compensated by your employer for medical bills, lost wages, social security benefits, and other costs associated with your injury.
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